Protect your Students & Colleagues.
Puretouch® is the scientifically proven solution to help make your School, College and University safe.
Protect your students and staff stay safe through a guaranteed level of confidence with Antimicrobial Protection. PureTouch is a self-adhesive surface wrap embedded with the active ingredient Microbic AMS001 which prevent the growth of microorganisms.
Suitable across multiple touch points from Lecture Halls, Classrooms and Laboratories through to Libraries and common spaces. Speak to a member of our team for more information on how we can help you return to a new form of normality in a safe, secure and reassuring way.
Antimicrobial Protection
The active ingredient is Microbic™ AMS001 which is tested in UK test labs to ISO 22196:1 2011 (antibacterial activity) and ISO 21702: 2019 (antiviral).
Visibly Safe
These versatile wraps can be applied to a wide range of touchpoints including door handles, push plates and trolley handles Providing visible protection.
This self-adhesive antimicrobial wrap for everyday touchpoints is durable and easy to apply and when replaced leave little or no residue
24/7 Protection
Designed, Tested and Manufactured in Britain, these Puretouch Antimicrobial Surface Wraps are designed to fit common British Ironmongery dimensions.